Analyzing the Types and Series of Induction Machines on the Basis of an Alternative Machine Constant

  • Alexey V. MATVEEV
Keywords: induction machines with a squirrel-cage rotor, with a solid rotor, doubly-fed induction machines, energy efficiency, efficiency classes, cooling types, assessment of mass and overall dimensions, machine constant, scaling


The types and series of induction machines are analyzed on the basis of an alternative machine constant. The dependence of the machine constant on the machine type, design, and characteristics is shown. It is conjectured that the measures taken to improve the energy efficiency of the series of induction machines are insufficient in the range of small power values. A method for comparing the machines is
proposed; formulas for scaling them are given, and the matter regarding the evolution of induction machines is touched. It is important to remember that the alternative machine constant is not a precise tool for predicting the mass of a particular machine from a particular catalogue. It only shows the extent of compactness to which the machine can be made with the specified characteristics and selected design version. The availability of reliable reference points that can be easily determined using the machine constant will help determine the really best solutions and screen out non-optimal ones. This, both time and material resources will be saved. In designing new machines, in is proposed to set forth ambitious objectives and to select, as reference points, the machine constant values by 20% lower than those corresponding to the state of the art.

Author Biography


MATVEEV Alexey V. (Graduated the Moscow Power Engineering Institute in 1998. He obtained his PhG from Eindhoven University of Technology (the Nitherlands) in 2006. Currently he is developing his own project DriveConstructor


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