Calculating the Structural Steel Stoletov Curve from the Limiting Magnetic Hysteresis Loop Parameters

Keywords: ferromagnetic steels, basic magnetization curve, Stoletov curve, limiting magnetic hysteresis loop, technical saturation magnetization, residual magnetization, coercive force


A formula has been developed for calculating the steel Stoletov curve (a graphic dependence of magnetic susceptibility χ on the magnetic field strength H in a ferromagnet) based on the results of measuring the coercive force Hc, technical saturation magnetization Ms and residual magnetization Mr. The derived formula is substantiated by a statistical analysis of a comparison between the calculation and experimental results obtained for grade SHX15 steel in its delivery and hardened states. The correlation coefficient between the calculated and measured values of χ in the entire variation range of H was 0.99, and the mean square deviation was 8.7%. By using the developed formula, it is possible to construct the dependence χ(H) and analyze it in different magnetic field strength variation ranges for any steel the measured values of Hc, Ms and Mr for which are given in the reference literature. The application of the formula is illustrated by analyzing the effect the tempering temperature of grade 30 steel after its quenching has on the steel Stoletov curves. The grade 30 steel tempering temperature has been established at which the required magnetic susceptibility value can be obtained in a given magnetic field strength variation range in a ferromagnet with its required hardness.

Author Biography


(Joint Institute of Mechanical Engineering of the NAS of Belarus, Minsk, Belarus) – Head of the Metallurgy in Mechanical Engineering Laboratory, Dr. Sci. (Eng.).


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