A Superconducting Inductor Electrical Machine with Combined Excitation

  • Roman I. IL’YASOV
  • Dmitriy S. DEZHIN
  • Irina N. DEZHINA
Keywords: inductor electrical machine, magnetic flux, combined excitation, high-temperature superconductivity, excitation winding, armature winding


For constructing a fully electrical aircraft [8—10], as well as electrical marine [11—12] and overland transport, compact brushless turbine generators and motors with a high specific power capacity are required. Such characteristics can be obtained by increasing the induction in the air cap and the stator linear load. The most promising method for achieving this is to use the excitation and armature winding coils on the basis of high-temperature superconductors (HTSC) [1—5, 13]. To this end, conventional synchronous generators with electromagnetic excitation (with HTSC coils on the rotor) should be equipped with a rotating cryostat and sliding contacts. A conventional inductor motor does not have rotating HTSC excitation coils and a cryostat. However, since there is no alternation of inductor poles polarity, the EMF has a comparaively low value. The article describes the general design of an inductor motor with immobile HTSC coils that makes it possible to obtain an increased specific output power. In addition, the results from 3D modeling of magnetic fields are presented.

Author Biographies


IL’YASOV Roman I. (National Research University «Moscow Aviation Institute» — NRU«MAI», Moscow, Russia) — Associate Professor, Cand. Sci. (Eng.)

Dmitriy S. DEZHIN

DEZHIN Dmitriy S. (NRU «MAI», Moscow, Russia) — Associate Professor, Cand. Sci. (Eng.)


DEZHINA IRINA N. (NRU «MAI», Moscow, Russia) — Ingineer


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