The Mechanical Strength and Hardness of Polymeric Materials Cross-Linked by X-Ray Radiation of Electric Gas Discharge

  • Gennady K. NOVIKOV
  • Andrey A. KAKORIN
Keywords: polymeric materials, X-ray radiation, absorption depth, electric gas discharge, mechanical strength and hardness


The mechanical and electrophysical properties of polymeric materials cross-linked by the X-ray radiation of electric gas discharge (EGD) are investigated. The influence of the radiation cross-linking technology on the strength and hardness of polymers is presented on the examples of low- and high-density polyethylene (LDPE and HDPE) samples with different thickness made using the technologies of cross-linking by means of X-ray radiation of electric gas barrier discharge (EGBD) [1–10]. The experimental data have been obtained on samples made in the form of rupture blades cut from polyethylene plates in accordance with GOST IEC 60811-2-1. For studying the electrophysical properties and semi-absorption depth of EGD X-ray radiation, samples in the form of LDPE and HDPE disks having different thickness were used. The X-ray radiation penetration depth into the experimental samples was estimated. Comparative investigations of changes in the electrophysical properties, mechanical strength s, hardness h, and gel fraction s g of cable LDPE under the effect of X-ray radiation from EGD and under the effect of electron beam have been carried out. It has been shown that with using the technology of cross-linking by means of X-ray radiation from EGD, the mechanical strength and hardness of LDPE and HDPE can be increased by no less than 30 and 60%.

Author Biographies

Gennady K. NOVIKOV

NOVIKOV Gennady K. (Irkutsk National Research Technical University (IrNRTU), Irkutsk, Russia) – Associate Professor of Power Supply and Electrical Engineering Dept., Cand. Sci. (Phys.-Math.)


FEDCHISHIN Vadim V. (IrNRTU, Irkutsk, Russia) – Director of Instite of Energy, Cand. Sci. (Eng.)


KAKORIN Andrey A. (JSC «Irkutskkabel’», Irkutsk, Russia) –Director оf the Technical Dept., Undergraduate of IrNRTU


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