An Experimental Investigation of a Photovoltaic Generator as an Alternative Source of Power Supply for the Superconducting Excitation Windings of Contactless Aircraft

  • Konstantin L. KOVALEV
  • Kirill A. MODESTOV
  • Alexander A. DUBENSKY
  • Yury Ig. KOVAN
  • Ludmila A. EGOSHKINA
Keywords: photovoltaic generator, current source, contactless electric power supply, generators, motors, superconducting windings


The article considers development of an alternative current source for contactless electric power supply to superconducting excitation windings of electrical machines for on-land and aircraft applications. Based on the results of experimental investigations, the output characteristics of a photovoltaic generator constructed on the basis of the TCM-105F module and operating under the conditions of natural and artificial lighting are subjected to a comparative analysis. The possibility of using the photovoltaic generator as an alternative source of power supply for the superconducting excitation windings of contactless electrical motors and generators is shown. Schematic layouts of the power supply system for rotating superconducting windings with the use of a photovoltaic generator are proposed.

Author Biographies

Konstantin L. KOVALEV

KOVALEV Konstantin L. (National Research University «Moscow Aviation Institute» — NRU «MAI», Moscow, Russia) — Professor, Head of the Department, Dr. Sci (Eng.)


MODESTOV Kirill A. (NRU «MAI», Moscow, Russia) — Associate Professor, Cand. Sci. (Eng.)

Alexander A. DUBENSKY

DUBENSKY Alexander A. (NRU«MAE», Moscow, Russia) — Younger Scientist, Cand. Sci. (Eng.)

Yury Ig. KOVAN

KOVAN Yury Ig. (NRU«MAI», Moscow, Russia) — Associate Professor, Senior Scientist, Cand. Sci. (Eng.)


EGOSHKINA Ludmila A. (NRU «MAI», Moscow, Russia) — Senior Scientist, Cand. Sci. (Eng.)


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