An Empirical Method for Determining the Maximal Induced Voltage Value at the Considered Point of a Disconnected Overhead Power Line

  • Andrey V. GORSHKOV
Keywords: power transmission line, induced voltage, measurement procedure, influencing power line


For determining the maximum possible voltage induced at a certain point of a disconnected overhead power line, it is proposed to use an empirical method based on field measurements of induced voltages. The essence of the proposed method consists in carrying out the following three stages. At the first stage, a series of measurements of complex induced voltage values is carried out during a certain interval of time at the considered point of the disconnected overhead line. At the second stage, the values of coefficients at the arguments of the empirical induced voltage function are determined by solving the inverse problem. At the third stage, the maximally possible induced voltage value is determined as a result of solving the direct problem by calculating the maximum of the empirical function. For the possibility of applying the proposed method in practice, the auxiliary problem of soundly selecting only part out of the entire multitude of operating overhead power lines as influencing ones is solved. A procedure for determining the maximum possible induced voltage value at the considered point of a disconnected overhead line has been developed.

Author Biography


GORSHKOV Andrey V. (National Research University «Moscow Power Engineering Institute», Moscow, Russia) — Head of Design Department of LLC «NPF ELNAP», Cand. Sci. (Eng.)


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