Rectifiers AC Voltage Development for Primary Energy Limited Power Sources

  • Victor Ya. BESPALOV
  • Boris N. KARZHAVOV
  • Anton O. SIDOROV
Keywords: energy source, rectifier, filter, internal resistance, input current, approximation


The paper considers the construction of voltage rectifier circuits of three-phase and single-phase limited power energy sources. As a rule, such sources have an increased value of internal resistance. This circumstance leads to interference at the output of the energy source in the presence of a smoothing filter at the rectifier output. The article discusses ways to reduce the amplitudes of these interference with increasing frequency. This is achieved by forming the current consumed by the rectifier in the form of a multi-stage curve approximating a sinusoid. The schemes of three-phase and single-phase rectifiers are given.

Author Biographies


BESPALOV Victor Ya. (National Research University «Moscow Power Engineering Institute» — NRU «MPEI», Moscow, Russia) — Professor, Dr. Sci. (Eng.)


KARZHAVOV Boris N. (Central Research Institute of Automatics and Hydraulics, Moscow, Russia) — Chief Scientific Researcher, Dr. Sci. (Eng.)


SIDOROV Anton O. (JSC «Corporation «VNIIEM», Moscow, Russia) — Engineer, Cand. Sci. (Eng.)


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