Golden Age of the Electrical Engineering in Russian and Foreign Printed Graphic

  • Dmitry A. BORODIN
  • Anna N. KASK
Keywords: history of electrical engineering, illustrative material


In the paper, survey of technical and fiction illustration on the electrical engineering subject in the foreign and Russian printed graphic is lighted up. It is showed that illustrative material may profoundly supplement knowledge of electrical engineering history and is one of the important source of information worth thorough study and deciphering. Short survey of the visual information main sources dealing with formation of the late nineteenth century electrical engineering: technical publications, popular scientific journals, family fiction weekly magazines etc. Also are given names of well known and unknown painters — illustrators and engravers who have made a contribution to the development and popularization of electricity.

Author Biographies


BORODIN Dmitry A. (LLC «Ruselprom. Electrical machines», Moscow, Russia) — Head of New Product Development, Cand. Sci. (Eng.)

Anna N. KASK

KASK Anna N. (GMII named A.S. Pushkin, Moscow, Russia) — Senior Custodian of Visual Information Funds, Cand. in History of Arts


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10. Encyclopedie Par L’image. Volume I, Le Ciel, Paris: Librairie Hachette, 1924, 64 p.

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17. Chemineau M. Fortunes de «La Nature»: 1873 — 1914, LIT Verlag Munster, 2012, 308 p.

18. Figuier L. Les Nouvelles Conqu^es de la science. LrElectricite. Paris. - Librairie illustree, 1884, 644 p.

19. La Lumiere Eclairage a Londres. — La Nature, 1879, No. 294.

20. L'Eclairage Electrique Systeme Jablochkoff. - La Lumiere electrique, 1880, No. 2, 15 Juin.

21. Grande Experiense De Lumiere Electrique Executee a New-York. Promenade Electrique aux Flambeaux. — La Nature, 1884, No. 601.

22. Верн Ж. Таинственный остров. М.;Л.: Детская литера­тура, 1951, 768 с.

23. Wells H.-G. When the sleeper wakes. - The Graphic, 1899, January 21.

24. Робида А. Двадцатое столетие. Электрическая жизнь. С.-Пб.: Тип. бр. Пантелеевых, 1894, 320 с.

25. Золя Э. Дамское счастье/Пер. с фр. Ю. Данилина. М.: Мир книги. Литература, 2007, 416 с.

26. Figuier L. Les Merveilles de la Science. Paris: Librairie Furne, Jouvet et Cie, Editeurs, 674 p.

27. Fontaine H. Electrolysis: A Practical Treatise, on Nickeling, Coppering, Silvering, the Refining, of Metals and Treatment of Ores, by Means of Electricity. London — New York: E.&F. N. Spon, 1885, 256 p.

28. Moncel Th. Electric Ligting. New York: George Routledge and Sons, 1883, 318 p.

29. Kapp G. Electric transmission of energy and its transformation, subdivision, and distribution. A practical handbook. New York: Van Nostrand, 1894, 445 p.

30. Higgs P. Electric light in Its Practical Application. London — New York: E.&F. N. Spon, 1879, 240 p.

31. Alglave E., Boulard J. La Lumiere electrique. Paris: Librairie de Firmin-Didot Et Cie, 1882, 464 p.

32. Silvanus P. Thompson Polyphase Electric Currents and Alternate-Current Motors. London — New York: E.&F. N. Spon, 1895, 261 p.

33. Martin, T.C., Wetzler J. The Electric Motor and Its Applications. New York: The W.J. Jonston company, Ltd, 1891, 315 p.

34. Uppenborn F. History of the transformer. London: E.&F.N. Spon, 125, Strand, 1889, 60 p.

35. Hering C. Exposition universelle de 1889 (Paris, France). New York: W.J. Johnston co., 1893, 250 p.

36. Атабеков Н.А. Словарь-справочник иллюстратора науч­но-технической книги. М: Книга, 1974, 283 с.

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38. Thompson S.P. Dynamo-electric machinery. A Manual for Students of Electrotechnics. London—New York: E.&F. N. Spon, 1886, 528 p.

39. Fontaine H. Eclairage L'Electricite. Paris: Librairie Polytechnique, Baudry et Cie, Editeurs, 1888, 688 p.

40. Noblet J. Se servir des images. — Culture technique, 1991, No. 22, 1991, 102 p.

41. Hosputalier E. Exposition d’Electricite. — La Nature, 1881, No. 443, 26 Novembre.

42. Fodor E. The Edison System in Europe. Forty Years. — Electrical World, 1922, No. 11.

43. Hughes T.P. Networks of Power: Electrification in Western Society. 1880—1930. — Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1983, 474 p.

44. Бородин Д.А. Блеск «Парижской оперы». — Электриче­ство, 2018, № 8, рр. 62—73.

45. Комаров В.Л. Электрическая лампа Вердерманна. — Электричество, 1880, № 5.

46. Новая динамо-электрическая машина Грамма. — Все­мирная иллюстрация, 1881 № 654.

47. Фогель Н. Электрический свет. — Нива, 1882, № 16.

48. Передача работ на расстояния электричеством в сель­ском хозяйстве. — Техник, 1883, № 14.

49. Опыты Марселя Депре над передачей силы на расстоя­ния. - Техник, 1883, № 18.

50. С Парижской всемирной выставки 1889 года. Зал ма­шин. - Нива, 1889, № 39.

51. Электрическое освещение Парижской оперы. — Нива, 1887, № 37.

52. Применение силы ветра к освещению жилищ. — Наука и жизнь, 1891, № 5.

53. Шателен М.А. Русские электротехники IXX века. М.;Л.: Госэнергоиздат, 1955, 432 с.

54. Как возникает номер «Нивы». — Нива, 1887, № 49.

55. Значение рисунка в книге. — Всемирная иллюстрация, 1878, № 520.

56. Чиколев В.З. Избранные труды по электротехнике, све­тотехнике и прожекторной технике. М.;Л.: Госэнергоиздат, 1949, 387 с.

57. Применение электрического света к рекогносцировкам. Взрыв фугаса посредством электричества — Всемирная иллюст­рация, 1876, № 410.

58. Опыты нового освещения военного поля. — Нива, 1880, № 441.

59. Стрельба ночная при освещении электричеством. — Всемирная иллюстрация, 1886, № 924.

60. Нива, 1889, № 35, с. 881.

61. Всемирная иллюстрация, 1883, № 776, с. 396.

62. Боевые электрические фонари на крейсере «Память Меркурия». — Всемирная иллюстрация, 1883, № 776.

63. Электрическая паровозная лампа. — Нива, 1885, № 39.

64. Московская выставка. Электрическая ж. д. Сименса и Гальске. — Нива, 1882, № 32.

65. Электрический фонарь для освещения железнодорожных и морских путей. — Всемирная иллюстрация, 1882, № 691.
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6. Magidov V.M. Zrimaya pamyat’ istorii (The visible memory of history). M., Slovo, 2011, 432 р.

7. Sokolov A.B. Tekst, obraz, interpretatsiya: vizual’nyi povorot v sovremennoy zapadnoy istoriografii. Ochevidnaya istoriya. Problemy vizual’noy istorii Rossii XX stoletiya (Text, image, interpretation: a visual twist in modern Western historiography. The obvious story. Problems of the visual history of Russia of the XX century). Chelyabinsk, 2008.

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10. Encyclopedie Par L’image. Volume I, Le Ciel, Paris: Librairie Hachette, 1924, 64 p.

11. Marvin C. Eblouir les masses: la lumirne fflectrique comme moyen de communication, Centre de recherche sur la culture technique. Culture technique. Neuilly-sur-Seine (FRA), 1993, 28.

12. Marvin C. When Old Technologies Were New. Thinking About Electric Communication in the Late Nineteenth Century. New York: Oxford University Press, 1988, 269 p.

13. Engl F. Mediale Reprasentationen der Elektrizitat in der Belle Epoque. University of Vienna, 2014, 99 p.

14. Cordulack S.W. A Franco-American Battle of Beams: Electricity and the Selling of Modernity. — Journal of Design History, 2005, vol. 18, №э. 2.

15. Mayer Arno J. Adelsmacht und Burgertum. Die Krise der europ,nischen Gesellschaft 1848—1914. Munchen: Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag, 1984, 301 s.

16. Atabekov N.A. Slovar’-spravochnik illyustratora nauchno-tekhnicheskoy knigi (Dictionary dictionary illustrator of a scientific and technical book). M., Kniga, 1974.

17. Chemineau M. Fortunes de «La Nature»: 1873 — 1914, LIT Verlag Mmster, 2012, 308 p.

18. Figuier L. Les Nouvelles Conquxtes de la science. L'Electricite. Paris. Librairie illustree, 1884, 644 p.

19. La Lumiere Eclairage a Londres. — La Nature, 1879, No.

20. L'Eclairage Electrique Systeme Jablochkoff. - La Lumiere electrique, 1880, No. 2, 15 Juin.

21. Grande Experiense De Lumiere Electrique Executee a New-York. Promenade Electrique aux Flambeaux. — La Nature, 1884, No. 601.

22. Vern, ZH. Tainstvennyi ostrov (Mysterious Island). M.; L., Detskaya literatura 1951, 768 p.

23. Wells H.-G. When the sleeper wakes. — The Graphic, 1899, January 21.

24. Robida A. Dvadtsatoye stoletiye. Elektricheskaya zhizn’ (Wentieth Century. Electrical life). S.-Pb., Tip. br. Panteleyevykh, 1894, 320 p.

25. Zolya E. «Damskoye schast’ye»: Roman (Per. s fr. YU.Danilina) (Lady’s happiness”: Roman (Translated from French by Yu. Danilin). M.: Mir knigi, Literatura, 2007, 416 p.

26. Figuier L. Les Merveilles de la Science. Paris. Librairie Furne, Jouvet et Cie, Editeurs, 674 p.

27. Fontaine H. Electrolysis: A Practical Treatise, on Nickeling, Coppering, Silvering, the Refining, of Metals and Treatment of Ores, by Means of Electricity. London — New York: E.&F. N. Spon, 1885, 256 p.

28. Moncel Th. Electric Ligting. New York: George Routledge and Sons, 1883, 318 p.

29. Kapp G. Electric transmission of energy and its transformation, subdivision, and distribution. A practical handbook. New York: Van Nostrand, 1894, 445 p.

30. Higgs P. Electric light in Its Practical Application. London — New York: E.&F. N. Spon, 1879, 240 p.

31. Alglave E., Boulard J. La Lumiere electrique. Paris: Librairie de Firmin-Didot Et Cie, 1882, 464 p.

32. Silvanus P. Thompson Polyphase Electric Currents and Alternate-Current Motors. London — New York: E.&F. N. Spon, 1895, 261 p.

33. Martin, T.C., Wetzler J. The Electric Motor and Its Applications. New York: The W.J. Jonston company, Ltd, 1891, 315 p.

34. Uppenborn F. History of the transformer. London: E.&F.N. Spon, 125, Strand, 1889, 60 p.

35. Hering C. Exposition universelle de 1889 (Paris, France). New York: W.J. Johnston co., 1893, 250 p.

36. Atabekov N.A. Slovar’-spravochnik illyustratora nauchno-tekhnicheskoy knigi (Dictionary dictionary illustrator of a scientific and technical book). Моscow, Kniga, 1974, 283 c.

37. Gromov V.A., Gudkov G.A. Illyustratsii v tekhnicheskoy knige (Illustrations in the technical book). M., Mashgiz, 1960, 168 p.

38. Thompson S.P. Dynamo-electric machinery. A Manual for Students of Electrotechnics. London—New York: E.&F. N. Spon, 1886, 528 p.

39. Fontaine H. Eclairage L'Electricite. Paris: Librairie Polytechnique, Baudry et Cie, Editeurs, 1888, 688 p.

40. Noblet J. Se servir des images. — Culture technique, 1991, No. 22, 1991, 102 p.

41. Hosputalier E. Exposition d’Electricite. — La Nature, 1881, No. 443, 26 Novembre.

42. Fodor E. The Edison System in Europe. Forty Years. — Electrical World, 1922, No. 11.

43. Hughes T.P. Electrification in Western Society. 1880—1930. — Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1983, 474 p.

44. Borodin D.A. Elektrichestvo — in Russ. (Electricity), 2018, No. 8, pp. 62—73.

45. Komarov V.L. Elektrichestvo — in Russ. (Electricity), 1880, No. 5.

46. Novaya dinamo-elektricheskaya mashina Gramma (The new dynamo-electric Gram machine). — Vsemirnaya illyustratsiya, 1881, No. 654.

47. Fogel’ N. Elektricheskiy svet (Electric light). — Niva, 1882, No. 16.

48. Peredacha rabot na rasstoyaniya elektrichestvom v sel’skom khozyaystve (The transfer of work over distances by electricity in agriculture). — Tekhnik, 1883, No. 14.

49. Opyty Marselya Depre nad peredachey sily na rasstoyaniya (The experiments of Marcel Depreet on the transmission of power over distances). — Tekhnik, 1883, No. 18.

50. S Parizhskoy vsemirnoy vystavki 1889 goda. Zal mashin (From the Paris World Exhibition of 1889. Machine Hall). — Niva, 1889, No. 39.

51. Elektricheskoye osveshcheniye Parizhskoy opery (Electric lighting of the Paris Opera). — Niva, 1887, No. 37.

52. Primeneniye sily vetra k osveshcheniyu zhilishch (The application of wind power to lighting homes). — Nauka i zhizn’, 1891, No. 5.

53. Shatelen M.A. Russkiye elektrotekhniki IXX veka (Russian electrical engineers of the IXX century). M.,L., Gosenergoizdat, 1955, 432 p.

54. Kak voznikayet nomer «Nivy» (How does the Niva number appear). — Niva, 1887, No. 49.

55. Znacheniye risunka v knige (The meaning of the drawing in the book). — Vsemirnaya illyustratsiya, 1878, No. 520.

56. Chikolev B.3. Izbrannyye trudy po elektrotekhnike, svetotekhnike i prozhektornoy tekhnike (Selected works on electrical engineering, lighting engineering and spotlight technology). M., L., Gosenergoizdat, 1949, 387 p.

57. Primeneniye elektricheskogo sveta k rekognostsirovkam. Vzryv fugasa posredstvom elektrichestva (Application of electric light to reconnaissance. Explosion of a landmine by means of electricity). — Vsemirnaya illyustratsiya, 1876, No. 410.

58. Opyty novogo osveshcheniya voyennogo polya (Experiments of the new lighting of the military field). — Niva, 1880, No. 441.

59. Strel’ba nochnaya pri osveshchenii elektrichestvom (Night shooting when illuminated by electricity). — Vsemirnaya illyustratsiya, 1886, No. 924.

60. Niva, 1889, No. 35, p. 881.

61. Vsemirnaya illyustratsiya, 1883, No. 776, p. 396.

62. Boyevyye elektricheskiye fonari na kreysere «Pamyat’ Merkuriya» (Combat electric lights on the cruiser «Memory of Mercury». — Vsemirnaya illyustratsiya, 1883, No. 776.

63. Elektricheskaya parovoznaya lampa (Electric locomotive lamp). — Niva, 1885, No. 39.

64. Moskovskaya vystavka. Elektricheskaya zh. d. Simensa i Gal’ske (Moscow exhibition. Electric w. village of Siemens and Halske). — Niva, 1882. No. 32.

65. Elektricheskiy fonar’ dlya osveshcheniya zheleznodorozhnykh i morskikh putey (An electric torch for illumination of railway and sea routes). — Vsemirnaya illyustratsiya, 1882, No. 691.
From the history of electrical engineering