Using Multistage Capacitor Installations for Maintaining the Voltage in Electric Networks

  • Alexander S. ZASYPKIN
  • Alexander S. ZASYPKIN
Keywords: electric network, regions prone to glaze icing, voltage control, capacitor installation


Multistage capacitor installations (CIs) areusedas a controlled reactive power source for control of voltage in distributionnet works. The need for using sucha voltage control method arises in regions prone to glaze icingin carrying out mass-scale melting of ice by means of alternating current involving heavy absorption of reactive power. The article considers single-group three-phase symmetrical multistage capacitor installations containing 3, 6, and 9 capacitors for automatic control of voltage in electric power networks in comparison with the use of conventional CIs. In single-group multistage CIs, voltage isapplied to all capacitor swhen being switched on through any switching apparatus in the CI composition. The possibility of making the seCIswith the equalre active power control stages is shown. Asingle-group three-stage CIcontaining nine capacitor sand equal stages with the found ratiobetween the capacitance scanbere commended for control of voltage in the electric networks of regions prone to glaze icing because it has an advantage in terms of reliability due to switching the condensers for a decreased voltage level and stabilizing their thermal operating conditions.

Author Biographies

Alexander S. ZASYPKIN

ZASYPKIN Alexander S. (The South-Russian State Polytechnic University (Novcherkassk Polytechnic Institute) — SRSPU(NPI), Novcherkassk, Russia) — Professor, Dr. Sci. (Eng.)

Alexander S. ZASYPKIN

ZASYPKIN Alexander S. (jr.) (SRSPU (NPI), Novcherkassk, Russia) — Student (Eng.)


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