The Contactless Power Supply Circuit of High-Temperature Superconducting Coils

  • Kirill A. KOLESOV
  • Dmitry S. DEZHIN
  • Anatoly Ye. LARIONOV
Keywords: electrical machines, superconducting field winding, contactless power, current-voltage characteristics


The main problem in the design and operation of electric machines with a superconducting excitation winding on the rotor is the energy transfer from stator by brush unit. To solve the problem, a method of contactless power supply of the coils on the rotor was proposed. It consists in using a ring transformer with air gap and a rectifier on the cryogenic rotor. The results of the experiment with the diode cooled by LN2 and the simulation of the power supply circuit are presented.

Author Biographies


KOLESOV Kirill A. (National Research University, «Moscow Aviation Institute» — NRU «MAI», Moscow,
Russia) — Undergraduate of Instrumentation Technology Dept.

Dmitry S. DEZHIN

DEZHIN Dmitry S. (NRU«MAI», Moscow, Russia) — Associate Professor, Senior Scientist, Cand. Sci. (Eng.)

Anatoly Ye. LARIONOV

LARIONOV Anatoly Ye. (NRU «MAI», Moscow, Russia) — Associate Professor, Cand. Sci. (Eng.)


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