Studying the Controlled Flexible Coupling of the Micro HPP Turbine and Generator Operating in a Self-Contained Electric Power System

  • Andrey A. ACHITAEV
  • Aleksey A. ZHIDKOV
  • Sergey V. MITROFANOV
  • Anastasiya G. RUSINA
Keywords: self-contained electric power supply system, stability, transients, stabilization of output parameters, electromagnetic variator, micro HPP


Studies aimed at ensuring synchronous parallel operation of permanent magnet generators of a micro HPP in a self-contained power system that use a controlled flexible coupling between the turbine and generator were carried out. The need of carrying out this study is stemming, among other things, from the problem of ensuring electromechanical compatibility during parallel operation of generators having different parameters of the mechanical inertia time constants of electrical machine rotors. Possible versions of solving this problem are reviewed, and their advantages and drawbacks are analyzed. The concept based on using a controlled flexible coupling between the generator and turbine is proposed as a promising solution of this problem. The mathematical models of the system are presented, and the laws and algorithms for automatically controlling the generator rotation frequency are drawn up. The simulation and physical modeling oscillograms presented in the article show how synchronous parallel operation of permanent magnet synchronous generators is maintained in a self-contained electric power system under the conditions of a three-phase short-circuit fault in points located at different electrical distances.

Author Biographies


ACHITAEV Andrey A. (Novosibirsk State Technical University (NSTU); Sayano-Sgushensky Branch of Siberian Federal University Novosibirsk, Russia) — Senior Lecturer; Associate Professor, Cand. Sci. (Eng.)

Aleksey A. ZHIDKOV

ZHIDKOV Aleksey A. (NSTU, Novosibirsk, Russia) — Ph.D.-student


MITROFANOV Sergey V. (NSTU, Novosibirsk, Russia) — Associate Professor, Cand. Sci. (Eng.)

Anastasiya G. RUSINA

RUSINA Anastasiya G. (NSTU, Novosibirsk, Russia) — Head of the Department, Dr. Sci. (Eng.)


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