The Use of Transfer Functions for Estimating the Impact son the Transformer Winding Insulation due to Resonance Overvoltages

  • Vasilii S. LARIN
Keywords: transformers, windings, resonance overvoltages, winding resonance frequencies, winding insulation, transfer functions


In recent years, damage sto the winding insulation of transformers operating jointly with cable linesor extended bus work due to resonance overvoltages have been point edoutin increasingly frequent cases. For checking the transformer ability to with stand the impacts of high-frequency transient oscillatory overvoltages during the iroperation, it is necessary to determine the electrical stresses applied to the winding main and longitudinal insulation under the conditions of resonance overvoltages. This problem can be solved by measuring the voltage transfer functions of the winding inner parts in a wide frequency band. The article considers some practical issuesre lating to the use of transfer functions for estimating the impacts applied to the transformer winding insulation.

Author Biography

Vasilii S. LARIN

LARIN Vasilii S. (All-Russian Electrotechnical Institute, Moscow, Russia) — Head of the Department, Regular member of the CIGRE Study Committee A2 «Transformers», Cand. Sci. (Eng.)


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