Title Applying the Pentagram for Structuring the Process of Studying Electrical Device

  • Alexey V. MATVEEV
Keywords: electric machines, frequency converters, electrical devices, studying, teaching, structure, logical blocks, pentagram


Faster emergence and introduction of the new technologies in the modern world requires changes in the field of engineering education. Large volumes of knowledge must be transferred in a shorter time. In this paper, an alternative view on structuring the process of studying electrical devices is presented, using electrical machines and frequency converters as the examples. It is proposed to use the set of logical blocks, graphically described by a pentagram — a well-known symbol and a geometric figure — for the organization and transfer of the knowledge. It is assumed that this method of knowledge transfer will be more efficient in terms of the time required. A pentagram is a set of related logical, locks that describes a set of physical processes, effects, their connections with each other and, probably, even the philosophy of building the electrical devices.

Author Biography


MATVEEV Alexey V. (graduated the Moscow Power Engineering Institute in 1998. He obtained his PhD from Eindhoven University of Technology (the Nitherlands) in 2006. Currently he is developing his own project DriveConstructor.


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