The Effect the Cooling Methods of Current Leads with High-Temperature Superconductors Have on Their Thermal State

  • Yury L. BUYANOV
Keywords: superconducting installations, HTSC current leads, calculation of cryogenic current leads, optimization of HTSC current leads


The article considers the practically import antissue of the oretically modeling current leads containing high-temperature superconductors (HTSC current leads) with a view to determine the lead thermal state in response to changes of different operating parameters. The modeling procedure is based on subdividing the current inlets into individual segments differing from each other in the nature of their electrical resistance (conductor, superconductor, and contact connection of the conductor and superconductor) and in their cooling conditions, which are determined by the cooling medium aggregative state (whether the cryoagent is in liquid or gaseous state), or when the segments are thermally insulated. The chosen principle for subdividing the currentl ead sinto segment was used asabasistoobtain and present in systematic form the analytic equations describing the distribution of temperature and heat flux in individual segments having different thermal and electrical characteristics. The boundary conditions and the thermal matching conditions of the selected segments make it possible to obtain an integer current lead mathematical model.

The use of the proposed procedure is illustrated on the example of carrying out a comparative analysis of the temperature and heat fluxes variation patterns in current leads fitted with single- and two-stage cooling in changing the cooling gases (helium and nitrogen) flowrate.

Author Biography


BUYANOV Yury L. (Joint Institute for High Temperatures of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia) – Lead engineer, Cand. Sci. (Eng.)


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