Substantiating the Capacity of Long-Distance Power Transmissions Equipped with Series Capacitive Compensation

  • Germam I. SAMORODOV
  • Tat’yana G. KRASIL’NIKOVA
  • Konstantin E. KOSHEVOY
Keywords: long-distance power transmission, shunt reactor, capacity, static stability, no-load and maximum power transmission operation modes


A procedure for substantiating the capacity of a long-distance power transmission equipped with a series capacitive compensation device is considered. Maintaining the standardized static stability margin and acceptable voltage along the line in the typical operation modes of a long-distance power transmission at no load and with transmitting the maximum power corresponding to its transmission capability are considered as constraints imposed on the long-distance power line capacity. A power transmission made on the basis of a double-circuit line and a power transmission based on a single-circuit line equipped with series capacitive compensation, both characterized by the same capacity, are considered as the options being compared. The capacity substantiation method is illustrated taking a 500 kV long-distance transmission with a length of 1000 km as an example. Options implying the installation of one series capacitive compensation device in
the middle of the line and two series capacitive compensation devices in the line middle part are considered.

Author Biographies


SAMORODOV Germam I. (SibNIIE — Branch of OJSC «Scientific and Technical Center FGC UES», Novosibirsk, Russia) — Department Supervisor, Dr. Sci. (Eng.)


KRASIL’NIKOVA Tat’yana G. (Novosibirsk State Technical University — NSTU, Novosibirsk, Russia) — Professor, Dr. Sci. (Eng.)

Konstantin E. KOSHEVOY

KOSHEVOY Konstantin E. (NSTU, Novosibirsk, Russia) — Graduate Student


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