Poynting’s Vector and a New Theory of Transformers. Part 10. Bar Transformers

  • Mansur A. SHAKIROV
Keywords: transformer, rod magnetic circuit, primary and secondary windings, magnetic flux, equivalent circuit, short circuit, Poynting vector, vector potential, electric field strength


A correct theory of transformers with rod magnetic circuits is presented, which is based on the idea according to which the power from the primary winding is transferred to the secondary one by means of the Poynting vector, and on a preliminary analysis of the vector potential distribution in them with ideal magnetic permeability of steel. An adaptive equivalent circuit is constructed, which is called so because in addition to reflecting the magnetic fluxes in the steel sections, core winding window, and fringing flow, all its nodes correspond to some boundary surface of the magnetic circuit or windings. Owing to this topological property, the circuit allows one to switch to a model that directly reflects such physical quantities as the vector potential, flow function, and electric field strength at the boundary surfaces of steel and windings. The transition to the equivalent circuit with real steel is done by adding nonlinear branches that take into account saturation and iron losses. In contrast to the traditional theory, their total current is considered as a leakage current due to steel non-ideality and not as a magnetization current. All of the presented adaptive equivalent circuits are suitable for analyzing steady-state and transient processes with identifying over- and anti-fluxes in comparison with idling fluxes, a feature which puts the analysis of transformer electrodynamic stability to emergency situations to a higher level.

Author Biography


SHAKIROV Mansur A. (Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, St. Petersburg, Russia) — Professor, Dr. Sci. (Eng.) A correct the


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