A Method for Measuring the Characteristics of Nonlinear Elements

  • Stanislav S. GRITSUTENKO
  • Nikolai V. KOROVKIN
Keywords: two-pole nonlinear inertialess element, volt-ampere characteristics, hysteresis-type characteristic, frequency responses, approximation, harmonic components, measurement accuracy


Nonlinear inertialess element and an element having a hysteresistype nonlinear characteristic. A polynomial approximation of the VAC is used. In so doing, the approximating polynomial coefficients are the quantities being determined. The amplitudes of the harmonic components resulting from transforming (by means of a polynomial) the sinewave signal applied to the nonlinear element are measured. Assessments of the accuracy with which the approximating polynomial coefficients are determined with taking into account different interferences typical for real measurement devices arepresented. The quantization effects that take place during such measurements are investigated. An example of approximating the characteristics of a nonlinear inertialess element and an element having a hysteresistype nonlinear characteristic is given. The following advantages of the new measurement method are shown: the promptness of the VAC measurement process (afewhundredths of second), which makes it possible to exclude the influence of factors that are difficult to consider, such asa change in the electromagnetic state or a change of element temperature during the experiment; high accuracy of the obtainedresults, whichintheauthors’ opinionoutperformsthe accuracy reached in using conventional measurement methods; simple implementation of the method using the modern digital signal processing techniques.

Author Biographies


GRITSUTENKO Stanislav S. (Omsk State Technical University, Omsk, Russia) –Associate Provessor, Cand. Sci. (Eng.)


KOROVKIN Nikolai V. (Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, Russia) – Professor, Dr. Sci. (Eng.)


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