Lightning Protection of Outdoor Lighting Networks

  • Ruslan K. BORISOV
  • Vasily V. ZAZHIGIN
  • Maxim N. SMIRNOV
Keywords: lightning protection, outdoor lighting networks, surge overvoltages, touch voltage, step voltage, protection device


The territories of facilities intended for carrying out mass cultural events and of stadiums are lighted using modern outdoor lighting systems, which consist of 0.4 kV cable lines, light poles with LED luminaires, and digital instrumentation and control systems. If lightning strikes hit at the poles, which serve as natural lightning diverters, or near the facilities, there occurs a danger of injuring people or inflicting damage to sensitive expensive equipment and cable lines. The lightning protection of outdoor lighting networks is considered. The conditions under which the protection of outdoor lighting equipment and electrical safety of people and animals are ensured in the case of lightning strikes at the poles or near the outdoor lighting networks are determined. The distribution of potentials near lighting poles and the overvoltages induced in the cable lines are determined by calculation. Measures for protecting the equipment and people against dangerous lightning impacts are elaborated. The design solutions on lightning protection of a stadium with lightning poles are experimentally checked through simulating a lightning stroke at the pole by discharge at a vertical conductor.

Author Biographies


(National Research University «Moscow Power Engineering Institute», Moscow, Russia) – Senior Researcher of High Voltage Engineering and Electrophysics Dept., Cand. Sci. (Eng.)


(Moscow State Agroengineering University named after V.P. Goryachkin, Moscow, Russia) — Associate Professor, Cand. Sci. (Eng.)


(NPF «ELNAP», Moscow, Russia) – Deputy General Director


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