Studying the Processes Triggered in Synchronous Generators by Internal Short Circuit Faults

  • Alexander D. KAPPES
  • Konstantin I. APROSIN
Keywords: synchronous generator, internal shortcircuit fault, finite element method, normal and outofstep operation modes, internal and external short circuit fault conditions


A method for spatial modeling of electromagnetic processes in a synchronous generator is considered. The model construction principle is based on Maxwell equations in the integral form, which describe the electromagnetic field and its interrelation with electric currents. The model of a TGV200 turbine generator is developed using the Comsol Multiphysics software package. The computations carried out in this software package are based on the finite element method for solving differential equations with partial derivatives. The generator is represented in a 2D space as a cross section the geometrical sizes of which define its electromagnetic properties. Different turbine generator operation modes, including the modes of its normal and outofstep operation, and also the conditions of internal and external shortcircuit faults are considered. The specific feature of the study is that the considered modeling method makes it possible to obtain instantaneous values of currents and voltages in the neutral and at the generator terminals in the case of internal shortcircuit faults

Author Biographies

Alexander D. KAPPES

(Ural Federal University the First President of Russia B.N. Yel’tsin, Yekaterinburg, Russia) – Ph.D. student of Nuclear Power Plants Dept.

Konstantin I. APROSIN

(Ural Federal University the First President of Russia B.N. Yel’tsin, Yekaterinburg, Russia) – Senior Teacher of Nuclear Power Plants Dept.


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