Driving Forces and Lines of the Evolution of Rotating Electrical Machines. Part 1

  • Alexey V. Matveev
Keywords: rotating electrical machines (EMs), evolution driving forces and limitations, EM development history, evolution lines, EM supersystems and subsystems, materials


The advent and development of such class of technical systems as electrical machines is only one element of those composing the technical progress, which, in turn, is one of elements composing the human civilization. Technical progress can be imaged as an entanglement of many «streams», each containing the development, putting in use, operation, and disappearance of a technical system. Technical progress is advanced through practical implementation of a multitude and variety of improvements. Any technical system is developed through embodying various ideas, which results in a change of a given system or development of a new system. An attempt is made to briefly describe all significant elements in the evolution of electrical machines (EMs). The role of large inventions and moderate improvements is shown; examples of evolution trends, patterns and lines are given; the evolution of EMs in the «supersystem-system-subsystem coordinate axes is described, and it is shown how applications determine the requirements for EMs. Examples of the evolution of the materials used in EMs are considered. The role of individuals, teams, and organizations is discussed. Particular examples of evolution lines are given, and the counterforces and limitations are described.

Author Biography

Alexey V. Matveev

(Drive Constructor, Norway) — Director


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5. Dehez B., Boudart F., Perriard Y. Analysis of a new topology of flexible PCB winding for slotless BLDC machines. - 2017 IEEE International Electric Machines and Drives Conference (IEMDC), Miami, FL, 2017, pp. 1-8, dpi: 10.1109/IEMDC.2017.8002019.

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8. Kolar J.W., Drofenik U., Biela J., Heldwein M.L., Ertl H, Friedli T., Round S.D. PWM converter power density barriers. - IEEJ Transactions on Industry Applications, May 2007, 128 (4), pp. 9-29.

9. Takamiya T., Hanazawa K., Suzuki T. Recent development of grain-oriented electrical steel in JFE Steel, JFE, Technical report, March 2016, No. 21.

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12. Shengtao Li., Shihu Yu., Yang Feng. Progreaa in and prospects for electrical insulating materials, IET Journals, High Volt., 2016, vol. 1, iss. 2, pp. 122-129, doi: 10.1049/hve. 2016.0034.

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