The Mathematical Models of Converter Fed Permanent Magnet Motors

  • Alexander A. AFANAS’YEV
Keywords: converter fed motors, permanent magnets, state equations, load angle, electromagnetic torque, current frequency, power factor


The mathematical models of converter fed permanent magnet motors written in the coordinate axes are considered. Owing to pulse-width modulation, the currents and voltages of the motors are assumed to be sinusoidal. In the models with two state equations, the stator current is represented only by its quadrature-axis component, and the variable load angle appears in explicit or implicit form. These equations are most close to the similar equations of dc commutator motors. Third-order equations contain both stator current components; the load angle in them is fixed as constant one or varies to maintain the unity power factor for an arbitrary load. The models constructed in the form of state equations of the appropriate order, which are implemented in the MathCad software, illustrate possible functional regimes of the motor and indicate the ways of their possible implementations using means known from the practice.

Author Biography

Alexander A. AFANAS’YEV

(Chuvash. State University, Cheboksary, Russia) —Professor, Dr. Sci. (Eng.)


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