Application of the Compositional Contradictions Method of TRIZ to Search for New Solutions in the Field of Electrical Machines

  • Alexey V. MATVEEV
Keywords: electrical machines, inventions, TRIZ, algorithms, formulations of problem situations, principles and techniques, physical and chemical effects


The aim of this work is to increase the quantity and quality of innovations in the field of electrical machines by increasing the quantity and quality of ideas in this field. The application of the theory of inventive problem solving (TRIZ) in electromechanics is demonstrated as one of the ways to achieve the goal. The TRIZ is an empirical, constructive, qualitative, and universal methodology for generating effective ideas and solving problems based on models of contradictions and methods for resolving them, which are extracted from known examples of effective solutions. The application of one of the TRIZ algorithms is demonstrated on examples of solving three complex engineering problems: improving the reliability of electrical machine insulation, extending the operational ranges of electric drive torques and rotation frequencies, and achieving better cooling of an electric vehicle rotor. The accompanying complexities and the ways to overcome them are shown. The minimum necessary tools for conducting independent work in this area are given. The principle of drawing up the new professional vocabulary “TRIZ-Electromechanics” is shown. A brief overview of the skills of inventors and methods of their work is given.

Author Biography


(Drive Constructor, Norway) — Director


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