Emergency Control of Distributed Generation Plants

  • Yury N. BULATOV
  • Andrey V. KRYUKOV
Keywords: power supply systems, distributed generation plants, emergency control, computer modeling, limit operating mode equations, bringing into stability region


The article presents the results of investigations aimed at elaborating emergency control methods in the power supply systems equipped with distributed generation plants. The control outputs aimed at bringing the operation mode into the stability region were produced by changing the vector of controlled parameters along the specified trajectory and also along a trajectory corresponding to the shortest path from the point of initial mode to the limit hypersurface. The quality of dynamic processes in implementing the control outputs was ensured by coordinated tuning of the automatic excitation controllers (AEC) and automatic rotation frequency controllers (AFRC). It is shown proceeding from computer simulation results that the system can be efficiently brought into the stability region on the basis of limit mode equations by using a startup algorithm that brings the mode to the stability region’s nearest boundary. By using fuzzy technologies to control the tuning of AEC and AFRC it is possible to organize high-quality dynamic transition during unloading of generator in the post-emergency operation mode.

Author Biographies


BULATOV Yury N. (Bratsk State University, Bratsk, Russia) — Associate Professor, Head of the Department, Cand. Sci. (Eng.)


KRYUKOV Andrey V. (Irkutsk State University of Railway Engineering and Izkutsk National Research Technical University, Irkutsk, Russia) — Professor, Dr. Sci. (Eng.)


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