P.N. Yablochkov's Lighting of the Hippodrome at the Bridge of Alma in Paris

  • Dmitry A. BORODIN
Keywords: Alma hippodrome, Yablochkov electric candles


145 years ago, in 1876, Pavel Nikolaevich Yablochkov received a patent number 112024 for an electric candle. This event turned out to be one of the starting points in the history of electrical engineering and human progress. In a short period of time, the importance of electricity in the life of society has increased many times. The article describes one of Yablochkov's many projects of those years ‒ the electrification of the covered Paris hippodrome, located next to the Alma Bridge. The hippodrome was a place of colorful theatrical performances and the world's first circus-theater, lit on a permanent basis by electricity.

Author Biography


(LLC “Ruselprom, Electric machines”, Moscow, Russia) – Head of New Product Development Dept., Cand. Sci. (Eng.)


1. Figuier L. Les Merveilles de la Science ou Description Popularie des Inventions Modernes, vol. 2. Supplément Paris: Jouvet et Cie, 1891, 674 p.
2. Fontaine Н. Éclairage L’Électricite. Rens eignements pratiques, Paris, 1888, 688 p.
3. Uhland W.H. Das Elektrishe Licht und die Elektrishe Beleuchtung. Leipzig: Veit u. Co, 1884, 642 p.
4. Жандо Д. История мирового цирка. М.: Искусство, 1984, 192 с.
5. Hospitalier Е. Les Grandes Usines Électriques de Paris. Les Magasins du Louvre ‒ L’Hippodrome. – La Nature, 1880. No. 362. 1 sem., 8 mai.
6. Geraldy Fr. Les Éclairages Électroques a Paris. Sistème Jablochkoff. – La Lumière électrique. 1880, No. 12.
7. Чайковский П.И. Переписка с Н.Ф. фон Мекк: т. 1: 1876–1878. М.; Л.: Academia, 1934, 644 с.
8. Bertiuer Ern. Électricité éclairage de L'Hippodrome de Paris. – Génie civil, 1886, No. 14.
9. News by the S.S. Lusitania (From the Argus Correspondent). – The Mercury Tuesday Morning, 1979, 21 January.
10. Coming Down. – Punch. 1879. 8 February.
11. Публичная лекция Яблочкова в «Русском техническом обществе» 4 (16) апреля 1879 года. П.Н. Яблочков. К пятидесятилетию со дня смерти (1894‒1944) / Под ред. Л.Д. Белькинда. М.; Л.: Госэнергоиздат, 1944.
12. Опыты электрического освещения. – Новое время. 1878. № 997. 6 декабря.
13. Guerout A. Exposition internationale d’Electricité de Munich: Application de la lumière électrique aux théâtres . – La Lumière électrique, 1883, No. 34.
14. Sur quelques imperfections de la bougie Jablochkoff. – La Lumière électrique. 1880. № 12.
1. Figuier L. Les Merveilles de la Science ou Description Popularie des Inventions Modernes, vol. 2. Supplément Paris: Jouvet et Cie, 1891, 674 p.
2. Fontaine Н. Éclairage L’Électricite. Rens eignements pratiques, Paris, 1888, 688 p.
3. Uhland W.H. Das Elektrishe Licht und die Elektrishe Beleuchtung. Leipzig: Veit u. Co, 1884, 642 p.
4. Zhando D. Istoriya mirovogo tsirka (History of the World Circus). М.: Iskusstvo, 1984, 192 p.
5. Hospitalier Е. Les Grandes Usines Électriques de Paris. Les Magasins du Louvre ‒ L’Hippodrome. – La Nature, 1880. No. 362. 1 sem., 8 mai.
6. Geraldy Fr. Les Éclairages Électroques a Paris. Sistème Jablochkoff. – La Lumière électrique. 1880, No. 12.
7. Chaykovsky P.I. Perepiska s N.F. fon Mekk: t. 1: 1876–1878 (Correspondence with N.F. von Meck: vol. 1: 1876–1878). М.; L.: Academia, 1934, 644 p.
8. Bertiuer Ern. Électricité éclairage de L'Hippodrome de Paris. – Génie civil, 1886, No. 14.
9. News by the S.S. Lusitania (From the Argus Correspondent). – The Mercury Tuesday Morning, 1979, 21 January.
10. Coming Down. – Punch. 1879. 8 February.
11. Publichnaya lektsiya Yablochkova v «Russkom tekhnicheskom obshchestve» 4 (16) aprelya 1879 goda. P.N. Yablochkov. K pyatidesyatiletiyu so dnya smerti (1894‒1944) / Pod red. L.D. Bel'kinda (Public lecture of Yablochkov in the "Russian Technical Society" on April 4 (16), 1879. P. N. Yablochkov. To the fiftieth anniversary of the death (1894-1944) / Ed. by L.D. Belkind). М.; L.: Gosenergoizdat, 1944.
12. Novoe vremya – in Russ. (New Time) 1878. No. 997. 6 Dec.
13. Guerout A. Exposition internationale d’Electricité de Munich: Application de la lumière électrique aux théâtres. – La Lumière électrique, 1883, No. 34.
14. Sur quelques imperfections de la bougie Jablochkoff. – La Lumière électrique. 1880. No. 12.
From the history of electrical engineering