Magnetic Field and Forces in a Hybrid Levitation System for a HighSpeed Vehicle

  • Konstantin I. KIM
  • Konstantin K. KIM
  • Vadim V. VESHKIN
Keywords: levitation, electrodynamic force, electromagnetic force, superconductive excitation solenoid, vehicle, magnetic field


A hybrid system designed to provide levitation for a high-speed on-ground vehicle at low traveling speeds is considered. The levitation is obtained due to the simultaneous use of electrodynamic repulsion forces and electromagnetic attraction forces. Structurally, this is implemented by using two longitudinal tracks. One of them, which is electrically conducting and nonmagnetic, is located under the vehicle excitation solenoid, and the second one, which is ferromagnetic, is arranged above the vehicle excitation solenoid only on the acceleration, braking and station sections. To ensure the equality of the resulting levitation force to the vehicle weight on all of these motion sections, the ferromagnetic track is made so that its area that participates in producing the attraction force varies depending on the vehicle motion speed. To avoid the negative effect of eddy currents induced in the ferromagnetic track, the latter is made of plates electrically insulated from each other. In performing the design calculations, the tracks were represented as plates of infinite size. An analytical solution for the magnetic field and levitation forces is obtained. It is shown that in particular cases, the results obtained from these solutions coincide with the results obtained previously by other authors for the conventional repulsion levitation system. The possibility of levitation at low speeds and stops is confirmed, and it is pointed out that a somewhat growth in the braking force does not has an essential influence on the traction linear motor power output.

Author Biographies

Konstantin I. KIM

(Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University, Saint-Petersburg, Russia) – Professor of the Dept. “Foundations of Theoretical Electrical Engineering”, Dr. Sci. (Eng.).

Konstantin K. KIM

(Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University, Saint-Petersburg, Russia) – Head of the Dept. “Electrical and Heat Engineering”, Dr. Sci. (Eng.)


(Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University, Saint-Petersburg, Russia) – Graduate Student of the Dept. “Electrical and Heat Engineering”.


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