Analytical and Numerical Simulation of Magnetoelectric Valve Motors

  • Alexander A. AFANASYEV
  • Валерий Семёнович Генин
  • Vladimir A. VATKIN
  • Vyacheslav V. EFIMOV
  • Artem I. MALININ
  • Dmitry A. TOKMAKOV
Keywords: partition the computational domain, geometrically uniform bands, conditions for the coupling of the magnetic field, magnetization of ferromagnetic sections, induction in the air gap, EMF of the winding, electromagnetic moment, finite element method, ELCUT program


An analytical method for calculating the magnetic field of a magnetoelectric valve motor is proposed, based on the tearing of its active region into a set of geometrically homogeneous bands, at the boundaries of which the conditions for the conjugation of their magnetic fields are met: scalar magnetic potentials and normal components of magnetic induction do not undergo a jump (break). If the magnetic sheets of the windings, for calculation convenience, are located at the boundaries of the specified bands, then the magnetic potentials at the boundaries will have a jump by the value of the total current of the magnetic sheet. To increase the accuracy of the calculation, you should increase the number of bands (sampling) of the active region. When using the computational technology of Fourier variables separation, the conjugation conditions will be reduced to solving a system of linear equations to find the corresponding Fourier constants. As sources of the magnetic field of the motor, in addition to permanent magnets and stator winding currents, the magnetization of the ferromagnetic sections of its magnetic circuit is proposed. The results of magnetic field calculation by this analytical method are compared with the data of the numerical simulation of the considered machine based on the mathematical program ELCUT 6.3.

Author Biographies

Alexander A. AFANASYEV

(Chuvash State University, Cheboksary, Russia) – Professor of Management and Computer Science in Technical Systems Dept., Dr. Sci. (Eng.).

Валерий Семёнович Генин

(Chuvash State University, Cheboksary, Russia) – Professor of Management and Computer Science in Technical Systems Dept., Dr. Sci. (Eng.).

Vladimir A. VATKIN

(JSC “Cheboksary Electrical Apparatus Plant”, Cheboksary, Russia) – Chief Designer of the Electric Machines Dept., Cand. Sci. (Eng.).

Vyacheslav V. EFIMOV

(JSC “Cheboksary Electrical Apparatus Plant”, Cheboksary, Russia) – Chief Specialist of the Electric Machines Dept., Cand. Sci. (Eng.).


(JSC “Cheboksary Electrical Apparatus Plant”, Cheboksary, Russia) – Design Engineer of the Electric Machines Dept.


(JSC “Cheboksary Electrical Apparatus Plant”, Cheboksary, Russia) – Development Director.


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