On Developing the Theory of Resonant Processes in Power Transformer Windings. Part 1. Frequency Responses of a Circuit with Two PI Sections

  • Vasily S. LARIN
Keywords: power transformers, resonant processes, windings, frequency response, natural oscillation frequency


The windings of power transformers are complex oscillatory circuits. Their natural oscillation frequencies range from a few to hundreds of kHz, and under unfavorable conditions they can coincide with the frequencies of transient voltage oscillations in electrical networks caused by switching operations and short circuit faults in cable lines. The development of electrical networks and the technical solutions that have come in wide use in recent years give rise to a situation in which the cases of damage to the insulation of power transformer windings resulting from resonant overvoltages are increasingly more frequently encountered during operation. An attempt is made in the article to develop the theory of resonant processes in the windings of power transformers. The frequency responses of voltages and currents in a simplified equivalent circuit of the power transformer winding are considered. Analytical expressions are obtained for the admittances of individual parts of equivalent circuits and the voltages at intermediate nodes, as well as expressions for the natural frequencies of the equivalent circuits considered. It is shown that the resonant growth of voltage in the transformer windings results from the voltage resonance caused by the presence of the winding’s own inductance and capacitance with respect to ground. By analyzing the frequency dependences of the admittances of equivalent circuit individual parts, the conditions and frequency ranges in which voltage resonance may occur are shown.

Author Biography

Vasily S. LARIN

(All-Russian Electrotechnical Institute – Branch of FSUE ”RFNC -VNIITF named after academ. E.I. Zababakhin”, Moscow, Russia) – Head of the transformer Dept., Cand. Sci. (Eng.).


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