Generalizing the Direct Analysis Methods of Effective Current Values in Circuits with Non-Sinusoidal Voltage

  • Gennady S. ZINOV’YEV
Keywords: power electronics, electromagnetic processes, effective current values, non-sinusoidal voltages, calculation methods


The article deal swith generalizing the direct express analysis methods for the class of electric circuit swith non-sinusoidal periodic voltages and currents. The analysis is carriedoutona new conceptual basis—directly for the effective values (quadratic norms) of currents and voltages unlike the classical analysis methods with instantaneous values of current. Asaresult, ready-for-use formulas for the effective values of variables as a function of coefficients of the initial differential equation and the applied voltage parameters are obtained. The introduced integral (high-order) harmonic coefficients of a non-sinusoidal voltage determined from the standard operation with respect to weighted effective values ofvoltage spectrum harmonic components are used assuch parameters. Application of the proposed direct method to power electronic devices provides fast analytical tools for solving problems concerned with analysis and synthesis of devices with the possibility to compare them with each other under the conditions of identical assumptions in calculations.

Author Biography

Gennady S. ZINOV’YEV

ZINOV’YEV Gennady S. (Novosibirsk State Technical University, Novosibirsk, Russia) — Professor, Dr. Sci. (Eng.)


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