The Armature Reaction Inductive Reactances of Synchronous Machines with Permanent Magnets Nonmagnetic Holder

  • Sergey V. ZHURAVLEV
  • Boris S. ZECHIKHIN
  • Nikolay S. IVANOV
Keywords: simulation, contact surface temperature, overheating prediction, control, dynamic monitoring mode, bolted connection, rectangular bus


The most widely used design scheme of synchronous machines with radially magnetized permanent magnets and a nonmagnetic magnet holder is considered. To calculate the armature reaction inductive reactances in these machines, it is proposed to use the conventional approach and the expressions obtained on its basis for the armature reaction inductive reactances of synchronous machines with electromagnetic excitation. The features of permanent magnet machines can be taken into account by special calculated coefficients included in these expressions. On the basis of the magnetic field analytical solution of the armature reaction, the special calculated coefficient for the design scheme with a cylindrical yoke of the inductor was determined taking into account the increased nonmagnetic gap between the armature magnetic core and inductor yoke core. By applying the Schwartz method with the use of a scalar magnetic potential, a new magnetic field analytical solution of the armature reaction with a polyhedral yoke of the inductor is obtained. On the basis of this solution, the field form factors of the longitudinal and transverse armature reaction were determined, which take into account the real geometry of this design scheme. Graphical dependences of the special calculated coefficients on the active zone geometric parameters are given.

Author Biographies


(Moscow Aviation Institute (The National Research University), Moscow, Russia), – Docent of the Electrical Power, Electromechanics and Biotechnical Systems Dept., Cand. Sci. (Eng.).


(Moscow Aviation Institute (The National Research University), Moscow, Russia) – Professor of the Electrical Power, Electromechanics and Biotechnical Systems Dept., Dr. Sci. (Eng.).

Nikolay S. IVANOV

(Moscow Aviation Institute (The National Research University), Moscow, Russia) – Docent of the Electrical Power, Electromechanics and Biotechnical Systems Dept., Cand. Sci. (Eng.).


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