A Study of Electric Power Quality Indicators in Designing an Aircraft Synchronous Generator

  • Nikolay S. IVANOV
  • Sergey V. ZHURAVLEV
  • Marina V. ZDOROVA
  • Anton A. SHIROKOV
  • Olga A. KHARKINA
  • Mariya A. PODGUZOVA
Keywords: power quality, quality indicators, synchronous three-stage generator, finite element analysis, harmonic composition


The article addresses a comprehensive study of the quality indicators of the voltage produced by an aircraft synchronous generator. The study is carried out by applying a finite element analysis performed using the ANSYS Maxwell software package taking as an example the three-phase 115/200 V AC aircraft power supply system with a constant frequency of 400 Hz. To check the possibility of applying a finite element analysis, an analytical calculation of an aircraft synchronous generator was performed; its model was constructed in the ANSYS Maxwell software package environment, and the generator operation was simulated in its idle running mode and under the conditions of its balanced and unbalanced load. A finite element analysis of the model with an external electrical circuit connected to it is carried out. The construction and connection of electrical circuits makes it possible to implement the generator operation in different modes for obtaining the output phase voltage waveforms. Based on the simulation results, the electric power quality indicators (the amplitude coefficient, voltage modulation, voltage imbalance, phase voltage shift, distortion coefficient and harmonic components) have been estimated in the steady-state mode for their compliance with the normative values specified by the State Standard GOST R 54073-2017. By using the proposed method, it is possible to estimate the generated voltage quality indicators at the stage of developing an electromechanical converter, which will help reduce the time and cost of electrical machine design process.

Author Biographies

Nikolay S. IVANOV

(Moscow Aviation Institute (The National Research University), Moscow, Russia) – Docent
of the Electrical Power, Electromechanics and Biotechnical Systems Dept., Cand. Sci. (Eng.).


(Moscow Aviation Institute (The National Research University), Moscow, Russia), – Docent of the Electrical Power, Electromechanics and Biotechnical Systems Dept., Cand. Sci. (Eng.).


(Moscow Aviation Institute (The National Research University), Moscow, Russia) – Postgraduate Student and Engineer of the Electrical Power, Electromechanics and Biotechnical Systems Dept. (Eng.).


Moscow Aviation Institute (The National Research University), Moscow, Russia) – Postgraduate Student and Engineer of the Electrical Power, Electromechanics and Biotechnical Systems Dept. (Eng.).


(Moscow Aviation Institute (The National Research University), Moscow, Russia) – Student and Engineer of the Electrical Power, Electromechanics and Biotechnical Systems Dept. (Eng.).


(Moscow Aviation Institute (The National Research University), Moscow, Russia) – Student and Engineer of the Electrical Power, Electromechanics and Biotechnical Systems Dept. (Eng.).


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