On the 140th Anniversary of the International Exhibition of Electricity, Paris, 1881. Part 1: Electric Fever
This exhibition, which was dedicated solely to electricity, pursued primarily scientific, technical and educational goals. The commercial component was in the second place. Under the banner of the new science, thousands of scientists, engineers, inventors, entrepreneurs, and enthusiasts from different countries and continents succeeded to unite for the first time and clearly show the whole world the prospects for development in the near future. The First International Congress of Electricians, held within the framework of the exhibition, overcame scientific and state differences and developed a unified approach to electrical units. The International Electrical Exhibition was a kind of the electrical engineering community crystallization point, a platform for its consolidation, the unity of which the time was unable to destroy. The first part of the article shows the great efforts done by the organizing committee on preparing the electrical exhibition. Special attention is paid to the exhibition expositions, its main halls and pavilions. Testimonials of eyewitnesses of those events are given.
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