Analysis of Electrical Explosion Safety Based on Dynamic Electrical Circuit Switching Discharge Models

  • Aleksandr Yu. GLADKOV
  • Vladimir V. IVANILOV
Keywords: : intrinsic safety quantification method, discharge current, discharge energy, discharge duration, discharge mathematical model, minimal igniting parameters


A mathematical model describing a switching arc discharge in an RL electric circuit based on the Mayr equation is developed and tested. The body of mathematics representing an arc discharge appearing in an RL circuit that takes into account the dynamic current-voltage arc characteristic and arc thermal processes is described. The results from calculating the arc thermal inertia constant for the switching period for a resistive circuit by several known methods, including the values obtained during simulation, are given. It has been found that the arc discharge model that takes into account the arc thermal inertia constant dynamics calculated from the instantaneous values of the average discharge power (taking the cathode losses into account) gives better convergence of the simulation results. An improved mathematical model of discharge in resistive and inductive electrical circuits is proposed, which makes it possible to refine the well-known method for quantifying their intrinsic safety. The convergence with the minimal igniting parameters obtained experimentally for similar circuits is analyzed.

Author Biographies


(Donetsk National Technical University, Donetsk, Ukraine) – Professor of the Power Supply of Industrial Enterprises and Cities Dept., Dr. Sci (Eng.).

Aleksandr Yu. GLADKOV

(Makeevka Scientific Research Institute for Safety in the Mining Industry, Makeevka, Ukraine) – Head of the Intrinsic Safety Laboratory.

Vladimir V. IVANILOV

(Makeevka Scientific Research Institute for Safety in the Mining Industry, Makeevka, Ukraine) – Junior Researcher of the Intrinsic Safety Laboratory.


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