Inductance and Compression Forces in Double-Layer Coils

  • Georgiy N. TSITSIKYAN
Keywords: single-layer and double-layer solenoids, self-induction coefficient, axial compression forces


Expressions for calculating the self-induction coefficients of two-layer and single-layer coils are considered, and related comparisons are carried out. Examples of calculating the induction coefficients for known design versions of coils are given. An expression for calculating axial compression forces in two-layer coils is presented. The axial compression forces in coils as part of three-phase load devices designed for testing generator sets of autonomous power plants have been calculated. The expressions obtained for calculating the inductances and axial compression forces in two-layer coils are quite concise and can be recommended for practical use. These expressions include only the coil design parameters: the number of turns in the layers, layer radii, winding pitches, and layer lengths. The article is illustrated with particular examples of calculating the coil inductance and compression forces.

Author Biographies


(Krylov State Scientific Center, St. Petersburg, Russia) – Head of the Sector, Deputy Head of the NIO-11 Dept., Dr. Sci. (Eng.).


(Krylov State Scientific Center, St. Petersburg, Russia) – Leading Engineer of the NIO-11 Dept.


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