Electromagnetic Processes in Two-Inductor Brushless DC Motors

  • Vladimir M. GRIDIN
Keywords: conventional and toroidal windings, conventional and toroidal windings, cylindrical inductors with different number of poles, electromagnetic and consumed power, optimal EMF coefficient and lead angle


The electromagnetic processes that take place in two brushless direct current (BLDC) motors containing a three-section armature winding, three power transistors and two cylindrical magnet type inductors are studied. One of these motors has a conventional drum armature winding and two inductors with the numbers of their radial poles differing from each other by a factor of three. The other motor has a toroidal armature winding and two inductors with the numbers of their radial poles differing from each other by a factor of two. The electromagnetic processes were studied for the armature winding with taking into account the distribution of the resultant magnetic induction over the air gap circumference and the inductance of the armature winding sections. Expressions for the EMF and current in the armature winding sections, electromagnetic power, the power consumed by the armature winding, as well as equations and expressions using which it is possible to determine the optimal value of the EMF to power supply voltage ratio and the lead angle have been obtained. It is shown how the obtained results should be used in the design and development of BLDC motors.

Author Biography

Vladimir M. GRIDIN

(Moscow State Technical University named N.E. Bauman (National Research University), Moscow, Russia) – Docent of the Electrical Engineering and Industrial Electronics Dept., Cand. Sci. (Eng.).


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