Transformations of Higher Electrical Engineering Education in Russia. Digitalization of Education

  • Pavel A. BUTYRIN
Keywords: higher electrical engineering education, transformation, digitalization


The reasons, mechanisms and consequences of transformations of higher electrical engineering education in Russia are considered. The transformations are analyzed in socio-historical and economic aspects. Extensive mechanisms of higher education transformations connected with a growing number of students and higher schools, and with the fact that new classes and strata of the society are involved in education are considered along with intensive mechanisms related to reformatting the education system itself: joining the Bologna Process or commencing the education digitalization process. The effect the economic factors have on the transformation of education under the conditions of increasing the expenditures for it (during the Nicholas and Stalin rises) and reducing them in the 1990s is pointed out. The bureaucratization and its influence on the electrical education environment are specially noted. The transformations of education in the 21st century and, above all, its digitalization are subjected to a special analysis. The US practices of analyzing higher education are given. It is concluded that the transformations of higher education are natural stages and mechanisms of its development.

Author Biography


(National Research University "Moscow Power Engineering Institute" (NRU "MPEI"), Moscow, Russia) – Professor of the Theoretical Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering Dept., Corresponding Member of RAS, Dr. Sci. (Eng.).


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