Consideration of Harmonic Distortions in Modeling the Electromagnetic Fields Generated by Power Lines Feeding Railway Traction Substations

  • Natal'ya V. BUYAKOVA
  • Vasiliy P. ZAKARYUKIN
  • Andrey V. KRYUKOV
  • Dmitriy A. SEREDKIN
Keywords: electromagnetic fields, higher harmonic components, modeling


In setting up intelligent electric networks, special attention is paid to the operational safety of electric power facilities and reduction of their negative impact on the personnel and environment. Significant electromagnetic field intensity levels can be observed at such objects. To ensure electromagnetic safety under the modern conditions characterized by large-scale introduction of digitalization tools, it is necessary to develop electromagnetic field digital modeling algorithms. Adequate models of the electromagnetic field generated by power transmission lines can be obtained on the basis of methods for determining the electric power system operation modes in phase coordinates. A methodology for analyzing electromagnetic safety has been developed on the basis of such models, which differs from the known approaches in being systematic, versatile, adequate to the external environment, and comprehensive. By using the newly developed methodology, it is possible to determine the intensity of electromagnetic fields generated by multi-wire transmission lines taking into account higher harmonic components of currents and voltages. Under the conditions of digitalizing the electric power industry, the use of the proposed methodology for practical applications will make it possible to analyze the conditions of electromagnetic safety in electric power systems on a scientifically sound basis and develop measures for its further improvment.

Author Biographies

Natal'ya V. BUYAKOVA

(Angarsk State Technical University, Angarsk, Russia) – Senior Lecturer of the High Voltage Engineering and Electrophysics Dept., Cand. Sci.(Eng). 


(Irkutsk State University of Railway Transport, Irkutsk, Russia) – Professor-consultant of "Smart grid" LLC, Dr. Sci. (Eng.).


(Irkutsk State University of Railway Transport, Irkutsk, Russia) – Professor of the Electric Power Engineering of Transport Dept., Dr. Sci. (Eng.).


(Irkutsk State University of Railway Transport, Irkutsk, Russia) – Postgraduate Student. 


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