Determination of Radial Forces Acting Between Coaxial Coils Located in the Same Plane

  • Georgiy N. TSITSIKYAN
Keywords: coaxial turns, radial forces, planar coils, tensile forces


The electrodynamic forces acting between coaxial turns with current are estimated for the case when the turns belong to different layers in a multilayer coil, which are arranged in the same way. Expressions for the radial components of electrodynamic forces acting on a concentric outer turn are given. The suggested expressions are verified for consistency with the result obtained for the mutual inductance gradient in the radial direction, known from [1]. The expressions for tensile forces in the case of thin-layer disk coils based on their determination in terms of the inductance derivative with respect to the average radius are compared in two versions: with reference to Wheeler's approximating formulas for inductance, one of which is written in [2], and the other in [3]. The article may be useful for specialists dealing with evaluation of inductances and electrodynamic forces in the live parts of electrical systems.

Author Biography


(Krylov State Scientific Center, St. Petersburg, Russia) – Head of the Sector, Deputy Head of the NIO-11 Dept., Dr. Sci. (Eng.).


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