The Сable Industry of Russia: A Dialogue Between the Editors-in-Chief of the Elektrichestvo (Electricity) and Kabeli i Provoda (Cables and Wires)

  • Pavel A. BUTYRIN
  • Evgeniy B. VASIL’EV
Keywords: cables and wires, cable industry, optical communication lines, power cables, superconductors, cross-linked polyethylene insulation


The state of cable production, one of the fundamental parts of Russia’s electrical industry, is assessed. Attention is focused on the competitiveness and self-sufficiency of the domestic cable industry, its enterprises and production volumes. The manufacture of cable products in the world and the organizational interaction of their main manufacturers are also considered. The state of science related to the cable industry and achievements in the field of optical communications and power cables are analyzed. The prospects for industrial production of superconducting cables are discussed. In conclusion, information is given about the Kabeli i Provoda journal, which is the main periodical of cable industry enterprises. The article is written in the form of answers of the Kabeli in Provoda journal Editor-in-Chief, Vice-President of the Electric Cable Association E.B. Vasiliev to the questions of the Editor-in-Chief of the Elektrichestvo journal, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences P.A. Butyrin.

Author Biographies


(National Research University "Moscow Power Engineering Institute" (NRU "MPEI"), Moscow, Russia) – Professor of the Theoretical Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering Dept., Corresponding Member of RAS, Dr. Sci. (Eng.).

Evgeniy B. VASIL’EV

(JSC "All-Russian Scientific, Design, Development and Research Institute of Technology for Cable Industry", Moscow, Russia) – Chairman of the Board of Directors, Vice-President of the "Electric Cable" Association, Cand. Sci. (Econ.).


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