Simulation of an Autonomous DC Electric Power System with Solid-State Transformers

  • Abrek-Zaur R. DZHENDUBAEV
  • Yury G. KONONOV
  • Eduard A.-Z. DZHENDUBAEV
Keywords: DC electric power system, gas turbine, asynchronous generator, solid-state transformer


The trends and reasons that stimulate the transition of electric power systems to direct current are considered. The weight, size, energy, and other advantages associated with such transition are shown. A model of an autonomous DC power system constructed on the basis of a gas turbine, high-speed asynchronous generator, and solid-state power transformers is presented, which confirms the operability and feasibility of such system. The results of simulating the start-up of a gas turbine unit, self-excitation of a high-speed asynchronous generator, connection of cable power lines, rheostatic limitation of DC solid-state transformer starting currents, and load surge are presented. A system for automatically stabilizing the voltage at the power line beginning is considered, which is performed by adjusting the gas turbine rotational frequency under the influence of voltage and current feedbacks. A system for stabilizing the load voltage by using a PWM-controlled inverter, which is an integral part of a solid-state DC transformer, is presented.

Author Biographies


(North-Caucasus State Academy, Cherkessk, Russia) – Head of the Power Supply Dept., Dr. Sci. (Eng.).


(North-Caucasus Federal University, Stavropol, Russia) – Head of the Automated Electric Power Systems and Power Supply Dept., Dr. Sci. (Eng.).


(North-Caucasus Federal University, Stavropol, Russia) – Postgraduate Student of the Automated Electric Power Systems and Power Supply Dept


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Работа выполнена при финансовой поддержке Российского фонда фундаментальных исследований (грант № 20-38-90127)
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This work was financially supported by the RFBR, grant no. 20-38-90127