Features of the Field Weakening Mode in а Switched Reluctance Machine

  • Aleksandr B. KRASOVSKIY
Keywords: switched reluctance machine, magnetic field weakening, limit mechanical characteristic, speed torque control zones


The magnetic field weakening mode of electric machines is used in modern drives to extend the drive operational speed range when the power supply voltage is limited. In conventional electric drives, a real or fictitious flux control loop, established in a vector control system by using coordinate and phase transformations of corresponding variables, is used for attenuating the motor magnetic flux. Switched reluctance machines have certain design advantages over conventional electric machines; they feature high reliability and wide control possibilities. However, to realize these possibilities, appropriate control outputs should be generated, the choice of which depends on the operational speed range. Another peculiarity of these machines is that there is no separate magnetic flux stabilization or control circuit. The article considers the specific features pertinent to the switched reluctance machine operation in various speed ranges for adequately taking them into account in control algorithms. The studies were carried out using the electric drive simulation model in the MATLAB Simulink environment. It is shown that during the electric drive operation at its limit mechanical characteristic in the low-speed zone under the speed variation conditions, the phase flux linkage average value can be considered almost unchanged. However, control of the average torque carried out by changing the current limitation level is performed at the magnetic flux weakening background. It has been determined that during operation in a high-speed zone at invariable phase switching positions with the speed growing in a natural manner (i.e., without applying control actions), there is an excessive decrease in the flux linkage average value, which leads to a dramatic drop in the phase average torque. This drop can be compensated by progressively shifting the phase engagement position in the leading direction.

Author Biographies


(Bauman Moscow State Technical University (National Research University), Moscow, Russia) – Head of the Electrical Engineering and Industrial Electronics Dept., Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Professor


(Bauman Moscow State Technical University (National Research University), Moscow, Russia) – Senior Lecturer of the Electrical Engineering and Industrial Electronics Dept


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14. Krasovsky A. Simulation and Analysis of Improved Direct Torque Control of Switched Reluctance Machine. – Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2019, vol 18 (1), pp. 251–260, DOI: DOI:10.11591/ijeecs.v18.i1.pp251-260.
15. Hamouda M., et al. Comparative Evaluation for an Improved Direct Instantaneous Torque Control Strategy of Switched Reluctance Motor Drives for Electric Vehicles. Mathematics, 2021, vol. 9, No. 302, DOI: DOI:10.3390/math9040302.
16. Hunasikatti K.B., Naik R.L., Nayak V. Critical Review of Control Strategies for Switched Reluctance Motor Employed in Electric Vehicle. – 2018 Second International Conference on Advances in Electronics, Computer and Communications (ICAECC), 2018, DOI: 10.1109/ICAECC.2018.8479510