Direct Deadbeat Control of a Buck PWM Converter

  • Al’bert S. ISKHAKOV
  • Vladimir Ya. POSPELOV
  • Sergey M. SKOVPEN’
  • Denis I. GLADKIY
Keywords: PWM converter, modal control, deadbeat controller, spectrum control, transient


The paper explains the shortcomings of the well-known modal control strategy, which prevent its practical application to achieve the highest possible dynamic performance of switching semiconductor converters. A method for eliminating these shortcomings is suggested as applied to a self-contained modal control version with specifying zero roots of the characteristic polynomial and obtaining a nilpotent system matrix. A technique for synthesizing direct deadbeat control with a nilpotent system matrix is described in detail to implement a finite transient that terminates within a number of cycles not exceeding the order of the difference equation with which a discrete system is described. The control object is a well-known circuit of a DC-DC buck converter with an inductive-capacitive filter and a proportional input-output characteristic provided by an integral link in the feedback loop. The efficiency of the proposed deadbeat controller version is confirmed through mathematically simulating the operation of a PWM converter controlling the load current. The dynamic operation modes are studied for the case of a step change in the load resistance and input voltage relative to their nominal values for a control system with I-, PI- and deadbeat controllers. A comparison of the obtained results shows that the transients in the system equipped with a deadbeat controller terminate most quickly: within three cycles without an overshoot. This corresponds to the maximum convergence rate to the equilibrium state for a third-order system.

Author Biographies


(‘VNIIEM Corporation’ JC, Moscow, Russia) – Director for Innovative Development of Special Programs, Dr. Sci. (Eng.)

Vladimir Ya. POSPELOV

(Military-Industrial Commission of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia) – Member of the Collegium

Sergey M. SKOVPEN’

(Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Severodvinsk, Russia) – Docent of the Ship Electricity and Automation Dept. of the Institute of Shipbuilding and Arctic Marine Engineering (Sevmashvtuz), Cand. Sci. (Eng.)


(Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Severodvinsk, Russia) – Senior Lecturer of the Ship Electricity and Automation Dept. of the Institute of Shipbuilding and Arctic Marine Engineering (Sevmashvtuz)


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