Development of the Generator for a Small Capacity Bulb Hydropower Unit

  • Maksim A. MARKOV
  • Nikolay V. KOROVKIN
  • Viktor S. TRETIAKOV
Keywords: hydroelectric generator, synchronous generator, prototype improvement, generator efficiency, generator mass reduction, ventilation air flowrate, multiplier, inductor generator


The generator design development matters for a small bulb hydropower unit is discussed. Synchronous units with a brushless exciter and a brush contact system, with excitation from permanent magnets, as well as an inductor generator were considered as design options. Electromagnetic, ventilation, and thermal analyses are performed, and the dynamics and strength of the main components of a synchronous generator with a brushless exciter are evaluated. The main technical problems have been solved: reducing the generator mass and dimension parameters, reducing its material intensity, decreasing the production cost, increasing the efficiency, and increasing installation readiness and maintainability, reducing windage losses, working out the ventilation system, and enhancement of operational autonomy. It is shown that the generator quantitative and qualitative characteristics can be improved significantly by applying the concept of a synchronous salient pole electrical machine. The possibility of stable generator operation in various modes of its use is shown.

Author Biographies

Maksim A. MARKOV

(JSC “Power machnes”; Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, St. Petersburg, Russia) – Design Engineer of the Special Design Bureau for the Hydrogenerators Design of the Electrosila Plant; Postgraduate Student.


(Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, St. Petersburg, Russia) –Professor of the Higher School of High Voltage Energy, Dr.Sci. (Eng.), Professor.


(JSC “Power machnes”, St. Petersburg, Russia) – Deputy Chief Designer for Hydrogenerator Design of the Special Design Bureau for the Hydro generators Design of the Electrosila Plant.


(JSC “Power machnes”, St. Petersburg, Russia) – Chief Specialist of the Special Design Bureau for the Hydro generators Design of the Electrosila Plant.


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