Inductance and Electrodynamic Forces in Circular Turns with Parallel Axes

  • Georgiy N. TSITSIKYAN
  • Mikhail Yu. ANTIPOV
Keywords: mutual inductances, turns and coils with parallel axes, electrodynamic forces


With a wireless method of transmitting electrical energy to autonomous objects, a need may arise to use connecting devices with inductively coupled structural elements. When choosing such devices, their effectiveness should be evaluated taking into account the technological and design features of the embodiment. Expressions for mutual inductance and electrodynamic forces with parallel displacement of mating turns and disk coils are considered. Simplified expressions for the derivative of the inductance coefficients in the coordinate characterizing the parallel displacement of the loops are obtained. By using the obtained expressions, the effect of parallel displacement of the loops on the electrodynamic interaction forces can be evaluated. The obtained expressions are verified by numerically comparing them with the exact solution. On this basis, the maximum level of convergence of the results has been determined.

Author Biographies


(Branch "Central Research Institute of Marine Electrical Engineering and Technology", FSUE "Krylovsky State Scientific Center", St. Petersburg, Russia) – Head of the Sector, Deputy Head of the NIO-11 Dept., Dr. Sci. (Eng.).

Mikhail Yu. ANTIPOV

(Branch "Central Research Institute of Marine Electrical Engineering and Technology", FSUE "Krylovsky State Scientific Center", St. Petersburg, Russia) – Leading Engineer of the Electric Power Systems Dept.


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