Production of Power Supply Systems for Autonomous Electric Vehicles in Russia
This article, written in the form of a dialogue between P.A. Butyrin, Editor-in–Chief of the Elektrichestvo (Electrical Technology) journal and S.P. Khalyutin, Editor-in-Chief of the Elektropitanie (Power Supply) journal, describes the history of electric propulsion systems from the development of an electric truck (1928) and further - to the first water, underwater, air vehicles, road and rail transport with electric propulsion. The history of the development of power supply systems for vehicles in Russia is considered in detail, with an emphasis on the current state of their production. Attention is drawn to the production of electric propulsion systems for large vehicles using electric traction. It is noted that there is no mass-scale production of domestic electrical products for vehicles in the country, and that the production of autonomous vehicles (electric buses, water electric vehicles, aircraft, internal electric vehicles, etc.) depends on the import of electric machines, storage batteries, semiconductor devices, etc. The way in which the manufacture of electric propulsion systems is organized around the world is analyzed in detail. The potential for restoring domestic production of power supply systems is assessed both from the point of view of material resources and taking into account the preservation of scientific schools and teams capable of deploying such production. Much attention is paid to the training of personnel for this industry. Matters concerned with development of the infrastructure supporting the operation of mobile electrically energized vehicles and the social consequences from the development of a network of such vehicles are specially addressed. In conclusion, information is given about the Elektropitanie journal as a leading periodical in the field under consideration.
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