Back Flashover Probability of the Overhead Power Line Insulation Taking into Account the Soil Ionization and Frequency Response Features
Back flashovers caused by a lightning strike on an overhead power line tower or overhead ground wire give rise to voltage surges dangerous for the insulation of power substation electrical equipment. A pulse back flashover turns into a short-circuit arc leading to the power line tripping. Calculations of voltage surges in a single–circuit 110 kV power line are carried out using the methods of the grounding devices theory, and the back flashover probability is estimated based on the curve of dangerous currents. The insulation back flashover probability for a power line tower with a ground wire in areas with high-resistance soil is determined by the grounding conductor surge impedance. It is shown that the analysis carried out with taking into account the soil ionization and frequency response features yields an essentially lower back flashover probability. The second ground wire placed under the power line wires reduces the inductance of the ground wires, thereby intensifying the spread of current through the grounding conductors of neighboring towers. This leads to a decreased tower voltage and an increased voltage induced on the wires, thus resulting in a decreased voltage across the insulation voltage and, hence, lower back flashover probability. The factors governing a positive effect from using grounding counterpoises of an overhead power line in areas with high-resistance soil are shown, and the conditions under which this effect is achieved are determined.
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