Consideration of Wire Transposition in Modeling the Electromagnetic Effects of Power Lines on Pipelines
In some sections, high-voltage power lines may come close to pipelines. This may give rise to problems concerned with ensuring safety of personnel and protecting the structure from corrosion. An analysis of publications in this field shows that many studies aimed at solving these problems place focus on determining the electromagnetic effects of power lines on extended metal structures. However, the authors of these publications have not set out a unified technique that would make it possible to determine the voltages induced on the structural components and the currents flowing through the pipeline. Such a technique can be implemented based on methods for modeling the electric power systems operation modes in phase coordinates. The article gives its further development and presents the results of studies aimed at solving the problem of considering the transposition of wires in modeling the electromagnetic effects of power lines on pipelines. The developed technique and digital models make it possible to adequately consider the transposition of wires in determining the voltages induced on the parts of a parallel pipeline and the currents flowing through the pipe. Based on them, it is possible to reasonably select measures to ensure the safety of personnel serving the structure, as well as to develop methods and means of protection against corrosion.
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Исследования выполнены в рамках государственного задания «Проведение прикладных научных исследований» по теме «Повышение качества электрической энергии и электромагнитной безопасности в системах электроснабжения железнодорожного транспорта, оснащённых устройствами Smart Grid, путем применения методов и средств математического моделирования на основе фазных координат» (проект № АААА-А20-120111690029-4 от 16.11.2020)
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14. Haifeng S. et al. Study on Electromagnetic Influence of 750 kV AC Transmission Lines on Multiple Buried Pipelines. – Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility (APEMC). 2016, DOI:10.1109/APEMC.2016.7522725.
15. Liu X-T., Wang W., Yu H. Analysis of Mutual Electromagnetic Influence between Transmission Line and Buried Pipeline. – 4th International Conference on Information Science and Control Engineering (ICISCE). 2017, DOI:10.1109/ICISCE.2017.293.
16. Lu D. et al. Mitigation of Electromagnetic Influence on the Buried Metal Pipeline near Overhead AC Transmission Line. – Sixth International Conference on Electromagnetic Field Problems and Applications., 2012, DOI: 10.1109/ICEF.2012.6310384.
17. Adamek M., Vostracky Z. Interference from Transmission Lines to Buried Pipelines. – 16th International Scientific Conference on Electric Power Engineering (EPE), 2015, DOI:10.1109/EPE. 2015.7161133.
18. Wenliang Z. et al. A Electromagnetic Effect Calculation Method for Engineering Design on Oil/Gas Pipelines Due to 1000 kV AC Transmission Line in Single-Phase Ground Fault. – Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, 2010, DOI:10.1109/APEMC.2010.5475707.
19. Janda Z., Nohác̆ K. Analysis of the Inductive Effects of Overhead Lines to Close Pipelines. – Proceedings of the 2014 15th International Scientific Conference on Electric Power Engineering (EPE), 2014, DOI:10.1109/EPE.2014.6839430.
20. Czumbil L. et al. Optimal Design of the Pipeline Right-of-Way Nearby High Voltage Transmission Lines Using Genetic Algorithms. – 50th International Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC). 2015, DOI:10.1109/UPEC.2015.7339841.
21. Mu W. et al. A Rapid Modeling for Analysis the Effect of Transmission Line to Oil and Gas Pipeline. –Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility (APEMC). 2016, DOI:10.1109/APEMC.2016.7522916.
22. Hossam-Eldin A.A., Mokhtar W. Electromagnetic Interference between Electrical Power Lines and Neighboring Pipelines. – 19th International Conference on Systems Engineering, 2008, DOI:10.1109/ICSEng.2008.82.
23. Zakaryukin V.P., Kryukov A.V. Slozhnonesimmetrichnye rezhimy elektricheskih sistem (Complex-Asymmetric Modes of Electrical Systems). Irkutsk: Izd-vо Irkut. un-ta, 2005, 273 p.
24. Zakaryukin V.P., Kryukov A.V. Determination of the Induced Voltages when Nonparallel Power Lines are Adjacent to One Another. – Power Technology and Engineering, 2015, vol. 49(4), pp. 304–309, DOI:10.1007/s10749-015-0620-4.
25. Cherepanov A.V., Kryukov A.E. Determining the Induced Voltages, Generated by High-Voltage OPL, on a Pipeline in the Presence of Longitudinal and Transversal Unsymmetry. – International Ural Conference on Electrical Power Engineering (UralCon), 2020, pp. 142–146, DOI:10.1109/UralCon49858.2020.9216260.
26. Carson I.R. Wave Propagation in Overhead Wires with Ground Return. – Bell System Technical Journal, 1926, vol. 5, pp. 539–554, DOI:10.1002/J.1538-7305.1926.TB00122.X
These studies have been carried out within the framework of the State Assignment “Conducting applied scientific research” on the topic “Improvement of electric power quality and enhancement of electromagnetic safety in railway power supply systems equipped with Smart Grid devices by applying methods and means of mathematical modeling in phase coordinates” (Project No. AAAAA20-120111690029-4 dated 16.11.2020)