An Autonomous Electric Power System with a Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator

  • Yuriy T. PORTNOY
  • Aleksandr S. AVDEEV
  • Evgeniy V. VOLODIN
  • Aleksandr V. ROGOZA
  • Denis V. ROZHKOV
Keywords: autonomous electric power system, permanent magnet synchronous generator, storage battery, reversible converter, active voltage rectifier, autonomous voltage inverter, automatic control system


The article deals with an autonomous electric power system (AEPS) with a permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG), storage battery (SB), and a static reversible converter (RC). The autonomous system has a transformer galvanic isolation between the AC and DC voltage networks. The converter operates in two modes: as a rectifier (the generator is in operation) and as an inverter (the generator is out of service). In the rectifier mode, the converter operates as an active voltage rectifier (AVR), which charges (recharges) the storage battery and stabilizes the generator voltage to form the main network. In the inverter mode, the converter operates as an autonomous voltage inverter to form a backup network. The autonomous electric power system structures were analyzed, and its two rational versions with the lowest current load of the converter have been selected based on the analysis results. One version of the structure, which contains, apart from the converter, an additional magnetizing device that stabilizes the generator voltage, operates with a DC network voltage of 250 ± 75 V. The other option does not contain an additional magnetizing device (MD) and operates with a DC network voltage of 600–640 V. For both versions, the automatic control system operating modes with stabilizing the generator voltage and charging the storage battery have been studied by simulating them on a computer.

Author Biographies


(JSC "Corporation "VNIIEM”, Moscow, Russia) –Chief Researcher, Cand. Sci. (Eng.).

Aleksandr S. AVDEEV

(JSC "Corporation "VNIIEM”, Moscow, Russia) – Engineer of the Second Category.

Evgeniy V. VOLODIN

(JSC "Corporation "VNIIEM”, Moscow, Russia) –Leading Specialist, Cand. Sci. (Eng.).

Aleksandr V. ROGOZA

(JSC "Corporation "VNIIEM”, Moscow, Russia) –Head of the RPC, Cand. Sci. (Eng.).


(JSC "Corporation "VNIIEM”, Moscow, Russia) – Head of the Dept.


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