Digital Twins of Induction Heating Processes in the Metallurgical Industry

  • Viktor B. DEMIDOVICH
Keywords: induction heating, computer simulation, electromagnetic and temperature fields, optimal design, computational experiment, digital twin


Digitalization of induction heating systems in metallurgy passes the way from digital simulation of electromagnetic fields to the construction of digital twins. The main stages in the evolution of digital simulation, including computational experiments and the development of digital twins of induction heating systems, are considered. The main features in the development of digital twins have been identified. Efficient methods for computing electromagnetic fields in induction heating devices and principles for constructing multiphysical models, including the most important electrothermal models, have been developed. A package of dedicated computer programs for simulating not only induction heating devices, but also technologies involving the use of induction heating has been developed. A close relationship between optimal design and control of induction heaters is shown. Examples of building digital twins of various systems with the use of induction heating are given.

Author Biography


(LLC "Russian Induction Heating Technologies", St. Petersburg, Russia) – Chief Research Officer, Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Professor.


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