Features of the Relaxation Process in an RC Circuit under the Influence of a Sinusoidal Voltage

  • Nikolay V. KINSHT
  • Natalya N. PETRUNKO
Keywords: nonlinear electrical circuit, relaxation processes, mathematical modeling, parameters of pulse series, high-voltage equipment', partial discharges


The article is devoted to the study of the properties of the relaxation process in a nonlinear electrical circuit under the sinusoidal voltage influence. Electronic devices and processes the operation of which is based on relaxation principles are sources of specific series of pulses, the monitoring of which allows one to draw conclusions about the technical parameters of these devices and processes. The occurrence of a series of partial discharges in a high-voltage device can serve as an example. An essential factor of partial discharges is their multiplicity both in time and in space, which are dispersed in an a priori unknown number of defects. The aim is to determine the number of defects and to perform appropriate grouping of the entire set of partial discharges by defects. Internal deterministic correlations derived as a result of solving the problem and presented in terms of the classical theory of electrical circuits should be regarded as a key to solving the problem that was set forth. Analytical correlations for the deterministic component of partial discharges in potential electrical insulation defects are revealed. The obtained correlations characterize the time intervals between individual discharges inside the insulation defect. These time intervals are uniquely related to the defect parameters and can serve as a basis for identifying this defect against the background of other partial discharges. As an example, the result of mathematically modeling a relaxation process with the specified parameters is given.

Author Biographies

Nikolay V. KINSHT

(Institute of Automation and Control Processes (IACP), Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences., Vladivostok, Russia) – Chief Researcher of the Technical Diagnostics Laboratory, Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Professor

Natalya N. PETRUNKO

(Institute of Automation and Control Processes (IACP), Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences., Vladivostok, Russia) – Senior Researcher oft the Technical Diagnostics Laboratory, Cand. Sci. (Eng.)


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