Propagation of a Periodic Nonsinusoidal Field Plane Electromagnetic Wave in a Conducting Semispace

  • Viktor N. TIMOFEYEV
  • Eduard R. VINTER
Keywords: electrical engineering, induction heating, nonsinusoidal periodic electromagnetic field, plane electromagnetic wave, conducting semispace, fourier series, complex coefficients


The incidence of a planeel ectromagnetic wave with sinusoidally varying electric and magnetic field vectors on a conducting body is a principle that is widely used in induction heating devices. The article solves the problem about propagation in a conducting semispace of a nonsinusoidal periodic field plane electromagnetic wave produced by a flat inductor. The solution is obtained in the form of complex Fourier series. The differential and integral characteristics of the “inductor—conducting semispace” system a rede termined for different inductor time constan tvalues. The obtained results are compared with the electromagnetic parameters characterizing propagation of a sinusoidal field plane electromagnetic wave. The obtained results have passed an experimental check.

Author Biographies


TIMOFEYEV Viktor N. (Siberian Federal University (SFU), Krasnoyarsk, Russia) — Head of the Dept. «Electrotechnology and Electrical Engineering», Dr. Sci. (Eng.)

Eduard R. VINTER

VINTER Eduard R. (SFU, Krasnoyarsk, Russia) — Assistant of the Dept. «Electrotechnology and Electrical Engineering»


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